Pelajaran Mengaran

07:37 / Posted by Osy Itu Machrosin / comments (0)

Ini adalah sebuah cerpen yang menggugah selera dan hati kita. tidak percaya?

Pelajaran Mengarang
Pelajaran mengarang sudah dimulai.
Kalian punya waktu 60 menit”, ujar Ibu Guru Tati.
Anak-anak kelas V menulis dengan kepala hampir menyentuh meja. Ibu Guru Tati menawarkan tiga judul yang ditulisnya di papan putih. Judul pertama “Keluarga Kami yang Berbahagia”. Judul kedua “Liburan ke Rumah Nenek”. Judul ketiga “Ibu”.
Ibu Guru Tati memandang anak-anak manis yang menulis dengan kening berkerut. Terdengar gesekan halus pada pena kertas. Anak-anak itu sedang tenggelam ke dalam dunianya, pikir Ibu Guru Tati. Dari balik kaca-matanya yang tebal, Ibu Guru Tati memandang 40 anak yang manis, yang masa depannya masih panjang, yang belum tahu kelak akan mengalami nasib macam apa.
Sepuluh menit segera berlalu. Tapi Sandra, 10 Tahun, belum menulis sepatah kata pun di kertasnya. Ia memandang keluar jendela. Ada dahan bergetar ditiup angin kencang. Ingin rasanya ia lari keluar dari kelas, meninggalkan kenyataan yang sedang bermain di kepalanya. Kenyataan yang terpaksa diingatnya, karena Ibu Guru Tati menyuruhnya berpikir tentang “Keluarga Kami yang Berbahagia”, “Liburan ke Rumah Nenek”, “Ibu”. Sandra memandang Ibu Guru Tati dengan benci.
Setiap kali tiba saatnya pelajaran mengarang, Sandra selalu merasa mendapat kesulitan besar, karena ia harus betul-betul mengarang. Ia tidak bisa bercerita apa adanya seperti anak-anak yang lain. Untuk judul apapaun yang ditawarkan Ibu Guru Tati, anak-anak sekelasnya tinggal menuliskan kenyataan yang mereka alami. Tapi, Sandra tidak, Sandra harus mengarang. Dan kini Sandra mendapat pilihan yang semuanya tidak menyenangkan.
Ketika berpikir tentang “Keluarga Kami yang Berbahagia”, Sandra hanya mendapatkan gambaran sebuah rumah yang berantakan. Botol-botol dan kaleng-kaleng minuman yang kosong berserakan di meja, di lantai, bahkan sampai ke atas tempat tidur. Tumpahan bir berceceran diatas kasur yang spreinya terseret entah ke mana. Bantal-bantal tak bersarung. Pintu yang tak pernah tertutup dan sejumlah manusia yang terus menerus mendengkur, bahkan ketika Sandra pulang dari sekolah.
“Lewat belakang, anak jadah, jangan ganggu tamu Mama,” ujar sebuah suara dalam ingatannya, yang ingin selalu dilupakannya.
Lima belas menit telah berlalu. Sandra tak mengerti apa yang harus dibayangkanya tentang sebuah keluarga yang berbahagia.
“Mama, apakah Sandra punya Papa?”
“Tentu saja punya, Anak Setan! Tapi, tidak jelas siapa! Dan kalau jelas siapa belum tentu ia mau jadi Papa kamu! Jelas? Belajarlah untuk hidup tanpa seorang Papa! Taik Kucing dengan Papa!”
Apakah Sandra harus berterus terang? Tidak, ia harus mengarang. Namun ia tak punya gambaran tentang sesuatu yang pantas ditulisnya.
Dua puluh menit berlalu. Ibu Guru Tati mondar-mandir di depan kelas. Sandra mencoba berpikir tentang sesuatu yang mirip dengan “Liburan ke Rumah Nenek” dan yang masuk kedalam benaknya adalah gambar seorang wanita yang sedang berdandan dimuka cermin. Seorang wanita dengan wajah penuh kerut yang merias dirinya dengan sapuan warna yang serba tebal. Merah itu sangat tebal pada pipinya. Hitam itu sangat tebal pada alisnya. Dan wangi itu sangat memabukkan Sandra.
“Jangan Rewel Anak Setan! Nanti kamu kuajak ke tempatku kerja, tapi awas, ya? Kamu tidak usah ceritakan apa yang kamu lihat pada siapa-siapa, ngerti? Awas!”
Wanita itu sudah tua dan menyebalkan. Sandra tak pernah tahu siapa dia. Ibunya memang memanggilnya Mami. Tapi semua orang didengarnya memanggil dia Mami juga. Apakah anaknya begitu banyak? Ibunya sering menitipkan Sandra pada Mami itu kalau keluar kota berhari-hari entah ke mana.
Di tempat kerja wanita itu, meskipun gelap, Sandra melihat banyak orang dewasa berpeluk-pelukan sampai lengket. Sandra juga mendengar musik yang keras, tapi Mami itu melarangnya nonton.
“Anak siapa itu?”
“Mana aku tahu!”
Sampai sekarang Sandra tidak mengerti. Mengapa ada sejumlah wanita duduk diruangan kaca ditonton sejumlah lelaki yang menujuk-nunjuk mereka.
“Anak kecil kok dibawa kesini, sih?”
“Ini titipan si Marti. Aku tidak mungkin meninggalkannya sendirian dirumah. Diperkosa orang malah repot nanti.”
Sandra masih memandang keluar jendela. Ada langit biru diluar sana. Seekor burung terbang dengan kepakan sayap yang anggun.
Tiga puluh menit lewat tanpa permisi. Sandra mencoba berpikir tentang “Ibu”. Apakah ia akan menulis tentang ibunya? Sandra melihat seorang wanita yang cantik. Seorang wanita yang selalu merokok, selalu bangun siang, yang kalau makan selalu pakai tangan dan kaki kanannya selalu naik keatas kursi.
Apakah wanita itu Ibuku? Ia pernah terbangun malam-malam dan melihat wanita itu menangis sendirian.
“Mama, mama, kenapa menangis, Mama?”
Wanita itu tidak menjawab, ia hanya menangis, sambil memeluk Sandra. Sampai sekarang Sandra masih mengingat kejadian itu, namun ia tak pernah bertanya-tanya lagi. Sandra tahu, setiap pertanyaan hanya akan dijawab dengan “Diam, Anak Setan!” atau “Bukan urusanmu, Anak Jadah” atau “Sudah untung kamu ku kasih makan dan ku sekolahkan baik-baik. Jangan cerewet kamu, Anak Sialan!”
Suatu malam wanita itu pulang merangkak-rangkak karena mabuk. Di ruang depan ia muntah-muntah dan tergelatak tidak bisa bangun lagi. Sandra mengepel muntahan-muntahan itu tanpa bertanya-tanya. Wanita yang dikenalnya sebagai ibunya itu sudah biasa pulang dalam keadaan mabuk.
“Mama kerja apa, sih?”
Sandra tak pernah lupa, betapa banyaknya kata-kata makian dalam sebuah bahasa yang bisa dilontarkan padanya karena pertanyaan seperti itu.
Tentu, tentu Sandra tahu wanita itu mencintainya. Setiap hari minggu wanita itu mengajaknya jalan-jalan ke plaza ini atau ke plaza itu. Di sana Sandra bisa mendapat boneka, baju, es krim, kentang goreng, dan ayam goreng. Dan setiap kali makan wanita itu selalu menatapnya dengan penuh cinta dan seprti tidak puas-puasnya. Wanita itu selalu melap mulut Sandra yang belepotan es krim sambil berbisik, “Sandra, Sandra …”
Kadang-kadang, sebelum tidur wanita itu membacakan sebuah cerita dari sebuah buku berbahasa inggris dengan gambar-gambar berwarna. Selesai membacakan cerita wanita itu akan mencium Sandra dan selalu memintanya berjanji menjadi anak baik-baik.
“Berjanjilah pada Mama, kamu akan jadi wanita baik-baik, Sandra.”
“Seperti Mama?”
“Bukan, bukan seperti Mama. Jangan seperti Mama.”
Sandra selalu belajar untuk menepati janjinya dan ia memang menjadi anak yang patuh. Namun wanita itu tak selalu berperilaku manis begitu. Sandra lebih sering melihatnya dalam tingkah laku yang lain. Maka, berkelebatan di benak Sandra bibir merah yang terus menerus mengeluaran asap, mulut yang selalu berbau minuman keras, mata yang kuyu, wajah yang pucat, dan pager …
Tentu saja Sandra selalu ingat apa yang tertulis dalam pager ibunya. Setiap kali pager itu berbunyi, kalau sedang merias diri dimuka cermin, wanita itu selalu meminta Sandra memencet tombol dan membacakannya.
KAMAR: 505, PKL 20.00
Sandra tahu, setiap kali pager ini menyebut nama hotel, nomor kamar, dan sebuah jam pertemuan, ibunya akan pulang terlambat. Kadang-kadang malah tidak pulang sampai dua atau tiga hari. Kalau sudah begitu Sandra akan merasa sangat merindukan wanita itu. Tapi, begitulah , ia sudah belajar untuk tidak pernah mengungkapkanya.
Empat puluh menit lewat sudah.
“Yang sudah selesai boleh dikumpulkan,” kata Ibu guru Tati.
Belum ada secoret kata pun di kertas Sandra. Masih putih, bersih, tanpa setitik pun noda. Beberapa anak yang sampai hari itu belum mempunyai persoalan yang teralalu berarti dalam hidupnya menulis dengan lancar. Bebarapa diantaranya sudah selesai dan setelah menyerahkannya segera berlari keluar kelas.
Sandra belum tahu judul apa yang harus ditulisnya.
“Kertasmu masih kosong, Sandra?” Ibu Guru Tati tiba-tiba bertanya.
Sandra tidak menjawab. Ia mulai menulis judulnya: Ibu. Tapi, begitu Ibu Guru Tati pergi, ia melamun lagi. Mama, Mama, bisiknya dalam hati. Bahkan dalam hati pun Sandra telah terbiasa hanya berbisik.
Ia juga hanya berbisik malam itu, ketika terbangun karena dipindahkan ke kolong ranjang. Wanita itu barangkali mengira ia masih tidur. Wanita itu barangkali mengira, karena masih tidur maka Sandra tak akan pernah mendengar suara lenguhnya yang panjang maupun yang pendek di atas ranjang. Wanita itu juga tak mengira bahwa Sandra masih terbangun ketika dirinya terkapar tanpa daya dan lelaki yang memeluknya sudah mendengkur keras sekali. Wanita itu tak mendengar lagi ketika dikolong ranjang Sandra berbisik tertahan-tahan “Mama, mama …” dan pipinya basah oleh air mata.
“Waktu habis, kumpulkan semua ke depan,” ujar Ibu Guru Tati.
Semua anak berdiri dan menumpuk karanganya di meja guru. Sandra menyelipkan kertas di tengah.
Di rumahnya, sambil nonton RCTI, Ibu Guru Tati yang belum berkeluarga memeriksa pekerjaan murid-muridnya. Setelah membaca separo dari tumpukan karangan itu, Ibu guru Tati berkesimpulan, murid-muridnya mengalami masa kanak-kanak yang indah.
Ia memang belum sampai pada karangan Sandra, yang hanya berisi kalimat sepotong:

Ibuku seorang pelacur…

Palmerah, 30 November 1991
*) Dimuat di harian Kompas, 5 Januari 1992. Terpilih sebagai Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 1993

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If Tomorrow Never Comes

03:30 / Posted by Osy Itu Machrosin / comments (2)

If tomorrow never comes,
Will she know how much I loved her,
Did I try in every way to show her every day,
That she’s my only one,
And if my time on earth were through,
And she must face this world without me,
Is the love I gave her in the past,
Gonna be enough to last,
If tomorrow never comes,
(If Tomorrow Never Comes by Ronan Keating)
A nice and touched heart song to open this page widely. Well, it’s a nice time again to see you, people, through this blog. I don’t know why I chose that lyrics, I just decided it. That song was singing loudly when I wrote this blog. That song tells us about a feeling from a man to his woman, he feels so doubtful, and confuse about tomorrow. He doesn’t want his woman disappear from his life because he loves her very much. The biggest point here is whether she knows that he cares about her at all, and he doesn’t want let her faces the world alone. Oh.. It’s so romantic, totally! I’m sure.
If we talk about tomorrow, like the title of the song, “If Tomorrow Never Comes”, what you will be afraid of? Your self? Your life? Your love? Your dreaming? Or something else? If somebody asks me about it, I will say that I won’t let my self to be enough like what I am now. It sounds that I’m an selfish. But let see, all of you have a dreaming in this world that you’ll reach. Even if you should find and reach it not inside yours, or you have sacrifice something to make it real, it’s your effort, and then when someone tells you that tomorrow never comes again, what should we do with that dreams.
We must be ready to know it. Everyone, someone, I, and you. We don’t know exactly when it’ll be, but we ensure that it must be. Your dream, your love, your life will be over at that time. It sounds unfair. God decided it! The thing that you should do is make yourself sure that you are 100% ready to face the day. I recognize that everyone doesn’t like it, even me. So, prepare yourself to be ready.
I’m here just to realize –and it likes a remembering moment for me- that everything that we do is a right thing to do. It touches my heart when I saw children in the traffic light try to beg your money and it’s the most thing that I won’t see when there’s none gives them some money. How come, people! I’m sure that we still have some money left in our pocket. Giving them some money won’t make you poor. Have you already thought with their future, have you known with them ‘tomorrow’?
I don’t know the meaning of love, but I’m certain giving them some money reflects to your love with others, and shows that you care about them. No need to blame their parents at all, it won’t end this problem. I ensure that their parents also have the same dreaming about their children. They don’t want their children become like what you see, I’m sure! Try to be a humble one, because we don’t know is there any tomorrow when we open our eyes.
People, once more, don’t let anyone’s tears away. Be a good person in every time you have, just imagine that tomorrow never comes, be sure that you are ready to face it. I believe that you’re a hero inside your heart, find it inside. We are nice creators from God. Don’t make God be guilty creating us! Don’t let it be. Show the world that we care about them and others. Thanks.
Nice time to be here people!


More Than Just a Word

20:25 / Posted by Osy Itu Machrosin / comments (2)

Long time no see you! Well, when i realize that I still have kind of a 'journal- life- book' that I've made several -even almost a several months ago, I know that I have to write something, because my Lecturer, Ms. Lilia, has asked us to create a story, so I'm in hurry to try to make a story,,,

Emoticon Pictures, Images and Photos

and Voil la... This is my story...
Let me tell you about my weekend. That was so boring!!!!! I didn't have any different activities like what I've done before. It was the same, I woke up, took a bath, ate breakfast untill dinner and did several homeworks and finnaly I went to bed! It just like what you do in your daily avctivity list. Because of weekend, I tried to treat myself to relax my mind, becasue it was long weekend!

You know what guys that several days before the long weekend, I got a big job (even it was a secret job from the government, can you judge it?). I had to be courier of The Final exam for The Junior High School as I'm a teacher in High School, the Headmaster asked me to be the courier for 4 days from Monday at 1st April untill 4th April. and it was a tiring ativity. Can you imagine that I had to weak up at 4.30 a.m and after that I had to go to SMP 1 Kranggan, and it's almost 30 kms from my home. I ride my lovely motorcycle in the early morning with the cold air. Brrrrrr.. it's like when you're in the refigerator. But It's a duty so I had to do it with all of my heart, beacause it's an official job!

ketwa Pictures, Images and Photos

After I did it, i just felt tired. My body liked broke into small pieces. haha.. It's hiperbole!! after I finished my Official Job, I got laugh, because I got the "price" for my early morning job, although It wasn't musch money, but I thanked to God because God sent me some of God's gift (again ) when I was in crisis condition. You know why I said so? As you knew that I didn't have much money at the time, so when I got it, I just wanted to say... " alhamdulillah.." hehe...

Then on Thursday, I prepared myself, becasue at 6 I would be on air via my Favourite radio Station. I could cheer every body who listened to me, I colud play many great song, and absolutelly I could share what I felt with them. And It was a great pleasure in an unpleasure long weekend. I spent almost 2 hours in my Radio, and I could say that I enjoyed it.

Finally, I got my own spirit on my long weekend, although it was tiring, actually i loved it! I maked me know how to earn money normally. Believe it or not, I suggest you to try work hard untill you tired, but don't try it untill you dont have any power, after that you will learn how to work! Untill you get your money! hahaha....

I loved my job, and I did it with all of my heart,

Even I felt that my long weekend wasn't great enough, but actually I loved it.. heheh...
and on Sunday when I was in my Radio, i met my old friend who came to the radio. I just felt so miss them anymore! There was something special more on Sunday, when I was in my radio, some people came to the radio. They are from Waleri, near Kendal, came to Temanggung, just wanted to know who was the broadcaster in their favourite radio station. because they just listened to us from their radio, they were really impressed to meet us. You know what? They came to my radio, with lot of food. So, on Sunday we had a great party with lot of food with our fans. like this....

sooo happy Pictures, Images and Photos

Thats all about my long weekend, inspite of long weekend, I didn't feel that it was a long time, I guessed taht it just a short weekend. I still need a truly long weekend..


see you in the next stroy of mine..
au revoir..
auf wiedersehen..


ps: just for you, this is my dream house life...

eifell tower Pictures, Images and Photos

This is a Little Space of Me (Rebell-Osy-us)

21:25 / Posted by Osy Itu Machrosin / comments (2)

Well, I write this post while I'm listening to a great song from John Legend, Someday. This is not a first post from me in this blog. I have to be usual with this new way of writing. Actually, I like writing. Anything. Everything worth. When I know blog, in my dream I imagine that it's kinda Diary. Rite?

Okay, in this post, I'll tell you as my followers about who is the owner of this blog. First, you can imagine that the owner is kinda actors (maybe, and I suggest you to choose Robert Pattinson as your imagination.... ;P). I'm not an Edward. But I have a dream that "Someday" (the song goes by, hehehe) I could be the next Edward after Stephenie Meyer finished her last book of Twilight Saga.. but you don't have to think hard about this. it's just kinda joke, 'key...!!

I'm Machrosin. A little name consists of 9 letters with a great and meaningful meaning! maybe.. because till now, I haven't found the meaning of my name, can you help me describe the meaning my name???

I'm an ordinary student of Tidar University in English Department, but I will try to get the extraordinary! I'm a part time worker too, I work for an Islamic Boarding School near my home. I like being my self, an Osy, approximately 1,6 m in height with black hair who always go to campus with his best-black motorcycle! I have a black hair, and black eyes too. I don't want to change my black color of my hair and eyes, because it symbolizes that I'm an eastern man. yeah,, I'm so glad become an Indonesian. A country with many things from nature resources till corruptors.

I live in Pringsurat, the richest land of Kelengkeng Fruit, but as a Pringsurat-inhabitant, I don't have any Kelengkeng's Tree. it's ironic. but I love my home, it's a a multiform place. it's a place to earn money because I have some privat lessons in my home, and a place to take a rest.

I like English because it's so useful. first when I know this language, I imagine that I'm a very great person when I can speak English fluently. but then I realize that by this language I can earn money.. ;P

I like blue color and reading. I like reading such Dan Brown collections (The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Deception Point, Digital Fortress, and also the last book from DAn Brown, The Lost Symbols), The J.K. Rowling's Books (Harry Potter Series..), and also Dee 'Dewi Lestari' Book, like Supernova Series, Filosofi Kopi, and also Perahu Kertas.

I'm a radio broadcaster too. I spend three days in a week to broadcast in a radio. broadcasting in a radio is my dream since I was in Junior High School. And when I'm on the air, I could touch every body who listen to me, and play their songs -even I play my favorite songs- read their message and talk with them.

this is my life, an never ending journey, with lots of disturbances but actually I love my self. Osy is an ordinary one, with two feet two hands and a head just try to face the world. and this is me.

in the future, I have a dream that I have a chance to go around the world. try to learn more languages and cultures, and have a chance to live in Paris! I hope someday...

this is the end,

hopefully, you like this..

~the Ossy~

19:38 / Posted by Osy Itu Machrosin / comments (1)

Some Day

22:28 / Posted by Osy Itu Machrosin / comments (4)

by John Legend

From OST of August Rush

As days go by
and fade to nights
I still question
why you left
I wonder how
it didn't work out
but now you're gone
and memories all I have for now
but no it's not over
we'll get older we'll get over
we'll live to see the day that I hope for
come back to me
I still believe that
we'll get it right again
we'll come back to life again
we won't say another goodbye again
you'll live forever with me

Someday, someday
we'll be together
someday, someday
we'll be together

I heard someday
might be today
mysteries of destinies they
are somehow
and are someway
for all we know
they come tomorrow
for today
my eyes are open
my arms are raised for your embrace
my hands are here to mend what is broken
to feel again to walk on the face
I believe there is more to life
oh I love you much more than life itself
I believe I can change your mind
revive what is dying inside

And someday, someday
we'll be together
someday, someday
we'll be together
someday, someday
we'll be together
we'll be together
we'll be together

nice song


Habis Siaran!

21:48 / Posted by Osy Itu Machrosin / comments (0)

Wow.. It's Sunday again! and It means that I have to prepare my self to be on air! haha... it doesn't mean that I fly away on the air! I have to go to my radio to cheer up your Sunday morning!Prepare lots of thing because this is special moment when I can free my mind, because this is special program, when I serve the listeners with English.

hoho... I practice English with my listeners in Temanggung, Magelang even in Sragen and Ngawi. But I enjoy my self when I'm on the air. I can be the real Osy, but you won't find Osy on the air. haha....

And about Radio, last Friday, it was the great moment coz I broad casted with my brother, even he isn't the true brother I have, hehe.. I broadcast with Steve. I have waited this time, and on Friday I could make my dream to be true!!!!

Lots of thing that we discussed last Friday, from just musics until what u feel. the best part of broadcast that I love is when I can speak with the listeners. it's truly the best moment. but i like my broadcasting when I just read the message. actually, I hate my radio, coz the radio is too much with the ads. actually, a radio should play more music than talk less. but the fact, there are so many ads there. and it means that I have to think hard and estimate, is my time on the air enough fort playing more songs than I speak on the air.

but actually, I enjoy this job. this is my life when I have a time to explore my life, spread my life to the listeners. An announcer should bring many materials when they are on the cabin. the listeners like when they hear the radio, and get the feeling like they are in the special room, without any disturbance! haha.. but actually, this is the hard thing for every announcer have to deal! we have a great job to create the great moment and situation for listeners, so they feel that they could be their own!

haha.. more stories, if I wanna share about my life and my job!

this is the start, and I'm sure that I'll continue to post something in this blog..

see you..
